Lingua latina per se illustrata internet archive
Lingua latina per se illustrata internet archive

lingua latina per se illustrata internet archive

In order to facilitate grammatical instruction and to reduce the need for the use of the vernacular, we employ an intuitive system of hand-signs to indicate the case, person, number, tense, voice, and mood of nouns or verbs along with some additional signs for adverbs and prepositions. In accordance with Stephen Krashen's Comprehensible Input Hypothesis the first goal of instruction is for the student to understand as many meaningful and compelling messages in the target language as possible, first passively (through reading and listening) and then, when it is expedient, actively. Greek Classes: While our methodology is highly individualized to meet the level, interests, and goals of each student, we typically recommend the Italian edition of the ΑΘΗΝΑΖΕ textbook and an active use of ancient Greek.


The student that successfully completes the 56 chapters in the series is well prepared to comfortably read the great authors of Latin literature. It is a course written entirely in Latin based on the contextual inductive method in which each new word or grammatical concept can be deduced from the context.

lingua latina per se illustrata internet archive

Latin Classes: In the Latin classes we use the books from the series Lingua Latina per se Illustrata by Professor Hans Henning Ørberg, recognized worldwide as one of the best and most efficient methods for teaching Latin. We use texts based on active learning as well as our own materials such as audio recordings, video lessons and interactive exercises. Grammar is assimilated in a natural way through exercises in the same way grammar is internalized while learning modern languages. We prioritize vocabulary acquisition and oral fluency. Methodology : Our teaching follows an active, natural approach.

Lingua latina per se illustrata internet archive